May 29, 2011

Russian PAK-DA Stealth Bomber Not For Us : IAF Official Said

 Indian air force official have said that , “IAF never ever considered nor did Russians ever presented any proposal on it ” has quoted by a serving IAF official when asked on rumors of India’s interest in PAK-DA development or purchase .

PAK DA (or PAK-DA), is a next generation strategic bomber which is being developed by Russia. It stands for Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Dalney Aviatsyi which means Future Air Complex for Strategic Air Forces. The PAK DA is going to be heavily based on Russia’s current supersonic bomber Tupolev Tu-160 and is expected to have it’s maiden flight by 2015. and enter service by 2020-25 time frame .

Currently, the Russian air force has Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic bombers, as well as long range Tu-22 bombers. Indian Navy is past was interested in renting four Tu-22M bombers , but officially no explanation was given byIndian Navy on backing out, but sources close to have told us that high maintenance cost and further expenditure on up-gradation of this aircraft’s which had to be borne by India and it is been also told that Tu-22M on offer where not in best of shape in terms of maintenance and airframe life where possible reason why Indian Navy turned away from this aircraft’s.

Rumors of Indian interest or Russian proposal of PAK-DA sparked of lately when India’s Strategic Nuclear Command requested to have its own separate fighter bombers for nuclear platform , Russian offer or PAK-DA purchase seems to be pure media speculation and doesn’t hold ground . but demand of SNC for immediate purchase of new aircraft’s for this jobs is still under review by Goverment of India .

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